Tall trees to make you feel small Cease in the breeze to make you feel still Flicker of sunlight to remember the world And blue of the sky to please your eye.
Yes, family, I did find a nice meal to eat with some very nice friends on Thanksgiving. With turkey and everything (and doesn't it look good?). I was very thankful.
There's got to be some legend that the troll will wake up, causing havoc and destruction if Fremont is invaded, right? Thing is, I really can't tell if that destruction would be aimed towards the invaders or the locals. That troll has got to be pretty tired of drunk people peeing on him.
(okay, I can't help it .. have to mention that these are the stairs inside the Leaning Tower of Pisa - worn on the outside, because that is the direction of the 'lean' here!)
I love this mosaic. This tie-fighter is just a small part but there are many other surprises as well. Interpret your favorite monster in the inlay at the Wallingford Steps.
The days are getting shorter. I'm not sure if that's what I dislike most about winter, or if it's the wet and coldness. Still, I don't feel any urge to live in Tucson, so it can't be that bad.